Shallot / Scallion Pancake (蔥油餅)

(makes 4)
There are a few different versions of this Shanghainese pancake, literally interpreted as "shallot oil biscuit", but this is my mum's version which she used to make and freeze so i could come home after school and quickly pan-fry and devour! Such fond memories of those after-school munchies...
I like this version because you still get that light airy crunch from the stacked layers but it's not too oily like you often get at the restaurant.. but could just be personal preference!

Prep time: 15 min
Cooking time: 10 min

1 C plain flour
60mL warm water (approx)
3-4 Green onion (shallots/scallions)
Olive oil

1. Finely chop the green onions.
2. In a bowl, combine the flour with the warm water and stir until combined.
3. Knead the dough for a few minutes until it is an even dry-ish consistency. Split into 4 pieces of dough.
4. Roll it out till it's about 2mm thick, then brush with a lighter layer of olive oil, salt generously and sprinkle the chopped shallots all around and roll it up.
5. Twist from the middle out until it is a spiral. 
6. Squash the spiral down vertically, so it circular in shape and the twisted layers are on top of each other.
7. Roll out the dough again into a circle approx 10-15cm in diameter, and approx 2mm thick. Set aside and repeat with other pieces of dough.
8. To cook: Heat a pan on high heat and spray with a thin layer of oil. Place the pancake on the pan, flattening it as you go, and cook on one side for 3-5 minutes until crisp. Flip over and cook for another 2-3 minutes until crisp. Lightly brush with a layer of olive oil then remove from the heat. 
9. Serve warm, and cut into bite-size pieces (usually into sixths).
NB. You can also make a batch and freeze them with a single layer of plastic freezer bag or cling wrap in between. Really easy to just take out and fry on the pan (no need to thaw!)


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