
This is a safe recipe for playdough, edible but not recommended for eating! We learnt this recipe from Playgroup and have tried it twice now! Not too hard but a bit of an arm workout with the kneading. It's been a fun activity to do together with my little one, a bit messy but rewarding :) This keeps for about 3 months, depending on how often it gets left out for a few hours! We just made a batch with the last of our plain flour before this pandemic drama happened, d'oh, not the best use for it but at least we have entertainment for all our upcoming days at home I guess!
Prep time: 30-40 minutes
Cooking time: 6 to 7 minutes
5 cups plain flour
2 cups salt
2 Tbsp cream of tartar
5 Tbsp vegetable oil
4 cups water
Food colouring (1/4 to 1/2 tsp for approximately a quarter section)

1. Mix salt with cream of tar tar and plain flour, then add in the water and oil.
2. Cook in the microwave on high for two minutes, then mix, and then cook one minute at a time and mix before returning to the microwave.
NB. The dough will appear watery at first then start to form bigger and bigger clumps. It usually takes 6 to 7 minutes.
3. Knead the dough until even. Separate the playdough into the number of sections of colours that you want to make. 
Drop about 1/4 teaspoon of the food colouring into a small well in the middle then knead it through. Add more as needed, depending on what colour you want! Keep each colour in a tightly sealed bag.


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