Quick lunch: Caps, bacon, leek pasta

(serves 1)
Ok, so this living out by myself thing does get a bit dire at times, especially when the weekend is too busy to go grocery shopping! Trying to be healthy by making lunch, eating more fresh food and not keeping too much in the freezer - can backfire at times. I've noticed more and more of my meals are compiled of random leftover tid-bits... This does confirm to me though that one should never waste anything ~ you never know when you just need a tiny bit of this or that to make the dish!
I suppose it's good for pushing myself to be a bit more creative and simple with the cooking... and waking up early to make lunch! This quick lunch from a frozen bacon rasher and just the 3 vegies left in the fridge went quite well together thankfully!

Prep time: 5 min
Cooking time: 20 min

1/4 red capsicum
3 mushrooms
1 rasher bacon
1/2 leek
100g fettucine
couple of slices of spanish onion
2 T chopped parsley
2 T lemon vinaigrette

1. Cut the capsicum, mushrooms, leek and bacon into thin slices.
2. Boil water and generously salt. Cook the pasta until al dente.
3. Meanwhile, heat a pan with 1/2 T olive oil on medium heat and sauté the bacon and leek.
4. Add the capsicum and mushrooms until softened, then add 1 T lemon vinagrette and salt and pepper to taste.
5. After the pasta is cooked, drain in a colander, then add to the pan with the remaining vinaigrette, spanish onion and parsley and toss through.


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